Friday, May 15, 2009

REPORT FROM PARIS - Friday 5/15/2009

Another full day today riding buses and the Metro with lots of walking in between. Started with the included city tour this morning followed by shopping at Monoprix (shopping mall) for trinkets and vittles. Took the food back to the hotel and they let us use the breakfast room to have a little picnic. All were impressed with the hospitality of the hotel. After lunch we went to the Arch de Triump on the Avenue of the Champs-ElysÈes. After that we went to Louvre Museum. Finally we took bus route 69 that has a route that passes many of Paris' main attractions and its last stop was at the Eiffel Tower where we got off. Needless to say we are tired once again. Here is a pic of all of us. Cindy, Lisa, Rusty, Dianne, Denise and Alice left to right.
Ok cya, Rusty